Ultimate Fireball

pros and cons
• easy to build
• super cheap
• good currency farmer
• awesome clear speed
• high survivability
• no mandatory unique items
• relies on activation
• mana thirst


fireball - weapon 1 - this is our main source of damage.
ember fusilade - weapon 1 - this is our main source of single target damage. When facing a tough enemy freeze it with Frostbomb, charge your Ember Fusilade, curse with Flammability and start casting Flameblast. By the time Flamebast explode the Ember Fusilade projectiles will hit the enemy and it will die before even leaving the ice.
P.S. don't worry if you can't get 5 sockets on those right away, take your time farming low tier maps while saving some exalteds.

elemental storm - weapon 1 - we get this skill from our ascendancy, it not only deal a good amount of damage but also hinders. once you get the 150% increased cooldown reduction we'll be able to have several of them at a time.
frostbomb - weapon 2 - this skill is amazing for freezing enemies and even deal a lot of damage itself. you'll be able to freeze even big bosses with only 1 cast.

flame blast - weapon 1 - this skill no only deals a lot of damage but also inflict fire exposure on enemies.
flammability - weapon 1 - use it on tough enemies ro reduce their fire resistance.

flame wall - weapon 1 - you can use it before casting your fireballs for added fire damage
elemental conflux - weapon 1 - it gives random huge elemental buffs, it also has clarity and cannibalism for more mana regen and survivability.

raging spirits - weapon 2 - they will be all over the place with this build not only serving as a shield for projectiles but also linked with blind and culling strike they'll increase a lot your survivability.

skill tree
skill tree steps by level

rain dancer
tempest caller
strike twice
shaper of storms


optional buffs

the special leveling guide is my way of expressing gratitute to all the members for their incredible support. it counts with:
- 24 hours of early access to leveling instructions.
- checklist of all the 27 campaign missable permanent buffs and where to get them.
- written leveling guide with images.
- direct links to examples of the best leveling items for this particular build being sold by other players.
the usual leveling guide will be available on the complete video guide of this build 24 hours after the release of this written guide on the website.
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