Demon Form

pros and cons
• Awesome Clear Speed
• Boss Destroyer
• Super Fun
• Deals Damage to Itself
• Few Defensive Layers
• Relies on Demonflame Stacks
• Expensive
• Hard to Build


- Demon Form transforms you into a Demon. Always use it before start playing.
- Flameblast is our main source of Area Damage and Ignites. Use it on Solar Orbs for more cast speed and mobility. When facing Pinnacle Bosses, replace Magnified Effect and Controlled Destruction with Inevitable Critical and Leverage.

- Solar Orb not only grants ignites but it is also a place for you to cast your Flameblast from a distance and with more cast speed. Use it as much as you can.
- This Cast on Ignite setup will automatically cast a shower of Comets when you ignite enough enemies, great for more clear speed and boss damage. When facing Pinnacle Bosses, replace Spell Cascade with Supercritical.

- Use Orb of Storms on bosses to shock them, this way they take a lot more damage.
- Frost Bomb is also for bosses, it freezes them and causes Cold Exposure.

- Use Eye of Winter on Bosses to cause them to take more Critical Strikes.
- Flammability is also for bosses, making them vulnerable to Fire Damage.

- Arctic Armour causes enemies that hit you to take a lot of cold damage, this might save your life on emergency situations.
- Grim Feast causes killed enemies to restore your Energy Shield.